Windows Security Log References
Most handy Windows Security Log Event ID’s.
User Account Changes
Event ID | Action |
4720 | Created |
4722 | Enabled |
4723 | User changed own password |
4724 | Privileged User changed this user’s password |
4725 | Disabled |
4726 | Deleted |
4738 | Changed |
4740 | Locked out |
4767 | Unlocked |
4781 | Name change |
Group Changes
Group Changes | Created | Changed | Deleted | Member Added | Member Removed |
Security Local | 4731 | 4737 | 4734 | 4732 | 4733 |
Security Global | 4727 | 4735 | 4730 | 4728 | 4729 |
Security Universal | 4754 | 4755 | 4758 | 4756 | 4757 |
Distribution Local | 4744 | 4745 | 4748 | 4746 | 4747 |
Distribution Global | 4749 | 4750 | 4753 | 4751 | 4752 |
Distribution Universal | 4759 | 4760 | 4763 | 4761 | 4762 |
Domain Controller Authentication Events
Event ID | Action |
4768 | A Kerberos authentication ticket (TGT) was requested |
4771 | Kerberos pre-authentication failed |
4772 | A Kerberos authentication ticket requested failed |
For both 4771
and 4772
see the following Kerberos Failure Codes
Kerberos Failure Codes
Event ID | Action |
0x6 | Bad user name |
0x7 | New computer account? |
0x9 | Administrator should reset password |
OxC | Workstation restriction |
0x12 | Account disabled, expired, locked out,logon hours restriction |
0x17 | The user’s password has expired |
0x18 | Bad password |
0x20 | Frequently logged by computer accounts |
0x25 | Workstation’s clock too far out of sync with the DC’s |
Logon Session Events
Event ID | Action |
4624 | Successful logon |
4647 | User initiated logoff |
4625 | Logon failure (See Logon Failure Codes) |
4778 | Remote desktop session reconnected |
4779 | Remote desktop session disconnected |
4800 | Workstation locked |
4801 | Workstation unlocked |
4802 | Screen saver invoked |
4803 | Screen saver dismissed |
Logon Types
Event ID | Action |
2 | Interactive |
3 | Network (i.e. mapped drive) |
4 | Batch (i.e. schedule task) |
5 | Service (service startup) |
7 | Unlock (i.e. unattended workstation with password protected screen saver) |
8 | Network Cleartext (Most often indicates a logon to IIS with “basic authentication”) |
10 | Remote Desktop |
11 | Logon with cached credentials |
Logon Failure Codes
Event ID | Action |
OxC0000064 | User name does not exist |
0xC000006A | User name is correct but the password is wrong |
0xC0000234 | User is currently locked out |
0xC0000072 | Account is currently disabled |
0xC000006F | User tried to logon outside his day of week or time of day restrictions |
0xC0000070 | Workstation restriction |
0xC00000193 | Account expiration |
0xC0000071 | Expired password |
OxC0000133 | Clocks between DC and other computer too far out of sync |
OxC0000224 | User is required to change password at next logon |
OxC0000225 | Evidently a bug in Windows and not a risk |
0x000015b | The user has not been granted the requested logon type (aka logon right) at this machine |