ImageOptim is a GUI for lossless image optimization tools: Zopfli, PNGOUT, OxiPNG, AdvPNG, PNGCrush, JPEGOptim, Jpegtran, Guetzli, Gifsicle, SVGO, svgcleaner and MozJPEG.
Removes bloated metadata. Saves disk space & bandwidth by compressing images without losing quality.
- Reduces image file sizes - so they take up less disk space and download faster - by applying advanced compression that preserves quality.
- Removes invisible junk: private EXIF metadata from digital cameras, embedded thumbnails, comments, and unnecessary color profiles.
- Seamlessly combines all the best image optimization tools: MozJPEG, pngquant, Pngcrush, 7zip, SVGO and Google Zopfli. All Free and Open-Source.
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