ADRecon is a tool which extracts and combines various artefacts (as highlighted below) out of an AD environment. The information can be presented in a specially formatted Microsoft Excel report that includes summary views with metrics to facilitate analysis and provide a holistic picture of the current state of the target AD environment.
The tool is useful to various classes of security professionals like auditors, DFIR, students, administrators, etc. It can also be an invaluable post-exploitation tool for a penetration tester.
It can be run from any workstation that is connected to the environment, even hosts that are not domain members. Furthermore, the tool can be executed in the context of a non-privileged (i.e. standard domain user) account. Fine Grained Password Policy, LAPS and BitLocker may require Privileged user accounts. The tool will use Microsoft Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) if available, otherwise it will communicate with the Domain Controller using LDAP.
The following information is gathered by the tool:
Features on Demand
git clone
Otherwise, you can download a zip archive of the latest release
To run ADRecon on a domain member host.
PS C:\> .\ADRecon.ps1
To run ADRecon on a domain member host as a different user.
PS C:\>.\ADRecon.ps1 -DomainController <IP or FQDN> -Credential <domain\username>
To run ADRecon on a non-member host using LDAP.
PS C:\>.\ADRecon.ps1 -Method LDAP -DomainController <IP or FQDN> -Credential <domain\username>
To run ADRecon with specific modules on a non-member host with RSAT. (Default OutputType is STDOUT with -Collect parameter)
PS C:\>.\ADRecon.ps1 -Method ADWS -DomainController <IP or FQDN> -Credential <domain\username> -Collect Domain, DomainControllers
To generate the ADRecon-Report.xlsx based on ADRecon output (CSV Files).
PS C:\>.\ADRecon.ps1 -GenExcel C:\ADRecon-Report-<timestamp>
-Method <String>
Which method to use; ADWS (default), LDAP
-DomainController <String>
Domain Controller IP Address or Domain FQDN.
-Credential <PSCredential>
Domain Credentials.
-GenExcel <String>
Path for ADRecon output folder containing the CSV files to generate the ADRecon-Report.xlsx. Use it to generate the ADRecon-Report.xlsx when Microsoft Excel is not installed on the host used to run ADRecon.
-OutputDir <String>
Path for ADRecon output folder to save the CSV/XML/JSON/HTML files and the ADRecon-Report.xlsx. (The folder specified will be created if it doesn't exist) (Default pwd)
-Collect <String>
Which modules to run (Comma separated; e.g Forest,Domain. Default all except ACLs, Kerberoast and DomainAccountsusedforServiceLogon)
Valid values include: Forest, Domain, Trusts, Sites, Subnets, SchemaHistory, PasswordPolicy, FineGrainedPasswordPolicy, DomainControllers, Users, UserSPNs, PasswordAttributes, Groups, GroupChanges, GroupMembers, OUs, ACLs, GPOs, gPLinks, GPOReport, DNSZones, DNSRecords, Printers, Computers, ComputerSPNs, LAPS, BitLocker, Kerberoast DomainAccountsusedforServiceLogon.
-OutputType <String>
Output Type; Comma seperated; e.g CSV,STDOUT,Excel (Default STDOUT with -Collect parameter, else CSV and Excel).
Valid values include: STDOUT, CSV, XML, JSON, HTML, Excel, All (excludes STDOUT).
-DormantTimeSpan <Int>
Timespan for Dormant accounts. (Default 90 days)
-PassMaxAge <Int>
Maximum machine account password age. (Default 30 days)
-PageSize <Int>
The PageSize to set for the LDAP searcher object. (Default 200)
-Threads <Int>
The number of threads to use during processing objects (Default 10)
-OnlyEnabled <Bool>
Only collect details for enabled objects.
-Log <Switch>
Create ADRecon Log using Start-Transcript
-Logo <String>
Which Logo to use in the excel file? (Default ADRecon)
Values include: ADRecon, CyberCX, Payatu.
Initiated from machine configured with Mandiant commando-vm + all RSAT modules.
PS C:\Users\crypt0rr\Downloads\ADRecon-master > .\ADRecon.ps1 -DomainController -Credential\crypt0rr
[*] ADRecon v1.27 by Prashant Mahajan (@prashant3535)
[*] Running on WORKGROUP\COMMANDO - Standalone Workstation as\crypt0rr
[*] Commencing - 10/29/2023 16:23:58
[-] Domain
[-] Forest
[-] Trusts
[-] Sites
[-] Subnets
[-] SchemaHistory - May take some time
[-] Default Password Policy
[-] Fine Grained Password Policy - May need a Privileged Account
[-] Domain Controllers
[-] Users and SPNs - May take some time
[-] PasswordAttributes - Experimental
[-] Groups and Membership Changes - May take some time
[-] Group Memberships - May take some time
[-] OrganizationalUnits (OUs)
[-] GPOs
[-] gPLinks - Scope of Management (SOM)
[-] DNS Zones and Records
[-] Printers
[-] Computers and SPNs - May take some time
[-] LAPS - Needs Privileged Account to get the passwords
WARNING: [*] LAPS is not implemented.
[-] BitLocker Recovery Keys - Needs Privileged Account
[-] GPOReport - May take some time
WARNING: [*] Run the tool using RUNAS.
WARNING: [*] runas /user:<Domain FQDN>\<Username> /netonly powershell.exe
[*] Total Execution Time (mins): 1.14
[*] Output Directory: C:\Users\crypt0rr\Downloads\ADRecon-master\ADRecon-Report-20231029162358
WARNING: [Get-ADRExcelComObj] Excel does not appear to be installed. Skipping generation of ADRecon-Report.xlsx. Use the -GenExcel parameter to generate the ADRecon-Report.xslx
on a host with Microsoft Excel installed.
Initiated from machine configured with Mandiant commando-vm + all RSAT modules and the Microsoft Office Suite.
PS C:\Users\crypt0rr\Downloads\ADRecon-master > .\ADRecon.ps1 -DomainController -Credential\crypt0rr
[*] ADRecon v1.27 by Prashant Mahajan
[*] Running on WORKGROUP\COMMANDO - Standalone Workstation as\crypt0rr
[*] Commencing - 10/29/2023 16:40:38
[-] Domain
[-] Forest
[-] Trusts
[-] Sites
[-] Subnets
[-] SchemaHistory - May take some time
[-] Default Password Policy
[-] Fine Grained Password Policy - May need a Privileged Account
[-] Domain Controllers
[-] Users and SPNs - May take some time
[-] PasswordAttributes - Experimental
[-] Groups and Membership Changes - May take some time
[-] Group Memberships - May take some time
[-] OrganizationalUnits (OUs)
[-] GPOs
[-] gPLinks - Scope of Management (SOM)
[-] DNS Zones and Records
[-] Printers
[-] Computers and SPNs - May take some time
[-] LAPS - Needs Privileged Account to get the passwords
WARNING: [*] LAPS is not implemented.
[-] BitLocker Recovery Keys - Needs Privileged Account
[-] GPOReport - May take some time
WARNING: [*] Run the tool using RUNAS.
WARNING: [*] runas /user:<Domain FQDN>\<Username> /netonly powershell.exe
[*] Total Execution Time (mins): 0.43
[*] Output Directory: C:\Users\crypt0rr\Downloads\ADRecon-master\ADRecon-Report-20231029164038
[*] Generating ADRecon-Report.xlsx
[+] Excelsheet Saved to: C:\Users\crypt0rr\Downloads\ADRecon-master\ADRecon-Report-20231029164038\