
Install LDEEP.


ldeep ldap [-h] -d DOMAIN -s LDAPSERVER [-b BASE] [-t {ntlm,simple}] [--throttle THROTTLE] [--page_size PAGE_SIZE] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [-H NTLM] [-k] [--pfx-file PFX_FILE] [--cert-pem CERT_PEM] [--key-pem KEY_PEM] [-a]


  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DOMAIN, --domain DOMAIN
                        The domain as NetBIOS or FQDN
  -s LDAPSERVER, --ldapserver LDAPSERVER
                        The LDAP path (ex : ldap://corp.contoso.com:389)
  -b BASE, --base BASE  LDAP base for query (by default, this value is pulled from remote Ldap)
  -t {ntlm,simple}, --type {ntlm,simple}
                        Authentication type: ntlm (default) or simple
  --throttle THROTTLE   Add a throttle between queries to sneak under detection thresholds (in seconds between queries: argument to the sleep function)
  --page_size PAGE_SIZE
                        Configure the page size used by the engine to query the LDAP server (default: 1000)

NTLM authentication:
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        The username
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        The password used for the authentication
  -H NTLM, --ntlm NTLM  NTLM hashes, format is LMHASH:NTHASH

Kerberos authentication:
  -k, --kerberos        For Kerberos authentication, ticket file should be pointed by $KRB5NAME env variable

Certificate authentication:
  --pfx-file PFX_FILE   PFX file
  --cert-pem CERT_PEM   User certificate
  --key-pem KEY_PEM     User private key

Anonymous authentication:
  -a, --anonymous       Perform anonymous binds

  available commands

    auth_policies       List the authentication policies configured in the Active Directory.
    computers           List the computer hostnames and resolve them if --resolve is specify.
    conf                Dump the configuration partition of the Active Directory.
    delegations         List accounts configured for any kind of delegation.
    domain_policy       Return the domain policy.
    gmsa                List the gmsa accounts and retrieve NT hash if possible.
    gpo                 Return the list of Group policy objects.
    groups              List the groups.
    machines            List the machine accounts.
    ou                  Return the list of organizational units with linked GPO.
    pkis                List pkis.
    pso                 List the Password Settings Objects.
    shadow_principals   List the shadow principals and the groups associated with.
    silos               List the silos configured in the Active Directory.
    smsa                List the smsa accounts and the machines they are associated with.
    subnets             List sites and associated subnets.
    trusts              List the domain's trust relationships.
    users               List users according to a filter.
    zones               List the DNS zones configured in the Active Directory.
    from_guid           Return the object associated with the given `guid`.
    from_sid            Return the object associated with the given `sid`.
    laps                Return the LAPS passwords. If a target is specified, only retrieve the LAPS password for this one.
    memberships         List the group for which `account` belongs to.
    membersof           List the members of `group`.
    object              Return the records containing `object` in a CN.
    sddl                Returns the SDDL of an object given it's CN.
    silo                Get information about a specific `silo`.
    zone                Return the records of a DNS zone.
    all                 Collect and store computers, domain_policy, zones, gpo, groups, ou, users, trusts, pso information
    enum_users          Anonymously enumerate users with LDAP pings.
    search              Query the LDAP with `filter` and retrieve ALL or `attributes` if specified.
    add_to_group        Add `user` to `group`.
    create_computer     Create a computer account
    create_user         Create a user account
    modify_password     Change `user`'s password.
    remove_from_group   Remove `user` from `group`.
    unlock              Unlock `user`.


Enumerate All Domain Information

This can be used with the cache functionality. An example dataset is available on the cache page.

$ ldeep ldap -d offsec.nl -s ldap:// -u administrator -p Welkom1234 all output_cache
[+] Retrieving computers output
[+] Retrieving domain_policy output
[+] Retrieving gmsa output
[+] Retrieving gpo output
[+] Retrieving groups output
[+] Retrieving groups verbose output
[+] Retrieving machines output
[+] Retrieving machines verbose output
[+] Retrieving ou output
[+] Retrieving pkis output
[+] Retrieving pkis verbose output
[+] Retrieving pso output
[+] Retrieving subnets output
[+] Retrieving subnets verbose output
[+] Retrieving trusts output
[+] Retrieving users output
[+] Retrieving users verbose output
[+] Retrieving users verbose output
[+] Retrieving users verbose output
[+] Retrieving users verbose output
[+] Retrieving users verbose output
[+] Retrieving users verbose output
[+] Retrieving users verbose output
[+] Retrieving users verbose output
[+] Retrieving users verbose output
[+] Retrieving zones output
[+] Retrieving zones verbose output

Request Domain Password Policy

$ ldeep ldap -d offsec.nl -s ldap:// -u administrator -p Welkom1234 domain_policy
dc: offsec
distinguishedName: DC=offsec,DC=nl
lockOutObservationWindow: 10 mins
lockoutDuration: 10 mins
lockoutThreshold: 0
maxPwdAge: 42 days
minPwdAge: 0 days
minPwdLength: 0
pwdHistoryLength: 0
ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota: 10
msDS-Behavior-Version: Windows Server 2016

Enumerate Domain Computers

$ ldeep ldap -d offsec.nl -s ldap:// -u administrator -p Welkom1234 computers             

Enumerate Users

$ ldeep ldap -d offsec.nl -s ldap:// -u administrator -p Welkom1234 users    

Enumerate Group Membership

$ ldeep ldap -d offsec.nl -s ldap:// -u administrator -p Welkom1234 membersof 'Domain Admins'
NestedDAGroup (group)