
Enumerate Microsoft 365 Groups in a tenant with their metadata.


git clone https://github.com/cnotin/m365_groups_enum.git
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt


all_groups.py [-h] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [-t TENANT] [-c CLIENT]
                     [-r RESOURCE] [--as-app] [--device-code]
                     [--access-token ACCESS_TOKEN]
                     [--refresh-token REFRESH_TOKEN] [--prt-cookie PRT_COOKIE]
                     [--prt-init] [--prt PRT] [--derived-key DERIVED_KEY]
                     [--prt-context PRT_CONTEXT]
                     [--prt-sessionkey PRT_SESSIONKEY] [--prt-verify]
                     [-f TOKENFILE] [--tokens-stdout] [--debug]


optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        Username for authentication
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Password (leave empty to prompt)
  -t TENANT, --tenant TENANT
                        Tenant ID to auth to (leave blank for default tenant
                        for account)
  -c CLIENT, --client CLIENT
                        Client ID to use when authenticating. (Must be a
                        public client from Microsoft with user_impersonation
                        permissions!). Default: Azure AD PowerShell module App
  -r RESOURCE, --resource RESOURCE
                        Resource to authenticate to (Default:
  --as-app              Authenticate as App (requires password and client ID
  --device-code         Authenticate using a device code
  --access-token ACCESS_TOKEN
                        Access token (JWT)
  --refresh-token REFRESH_TOKEN
                        Refresh token (JWT)
  --prt-cookie PRT_COOKIE
                        Primary Refresh Token cookie from ROADtoken (JWT)
  --prt-init            Initialize Primary Refresh Token authentication flow
                        (get nonce)
  --prt PRT             Primary Refresh Token cookie from mimikatz CloudAP
  --derived-key DERIVED_KEY
                        Derived key used to re-sign the PRT cookie (as hex
  --prt-context PRT_CONTEXT
                        Primary Refresh Token context for the derived key (as
                        hex key)
  --prt-sessionkey PRT_SESSIONKEY
                        Primary Refresh Token session key (as hex key)
  --prt-verify          Verify the Primary Refresh Token and exit
  -f TOKENFILE, --tokenfile TOKENFILE
                        File to store the credentials (default:
  --tokens-stdout       Do not store tokens on disk, pipe to stdout instead
  --debug               Enable debug logging to disk


Gather information without 2FA

$ python3 all_groups.py -u johndo@example.com -p 'Welkom1234!'
Authenticated as johndo@example.com
Guessing SharePoint default URL... https://example.sharepoint.com
Getting all groups... 
Got 1337 groups
Getting groups details...
38 %
76 %

Gather when 2FA is implemented

$ python3 all_groups.py --device-code
To sign in, use a web browser to open the page https://microsoft.com/devicelogin and enter the code 12345678 to authenticate.
Authenticated as johndo@example.com
Guessing SharePoint default URL... https://example.sharepoint.com
Getting all groups... 
Got 1337 groups
Getting groups details...
38 %
76 %

Convert JSON output to CSV

Will convert data from all_groups.json to new file all_groups.csv (keeps ‘all_groups.json’)

python3 reporting.py

Filter public groups

jq '.[] | select(.visibility=="Public")' all_groups.json

Filter public group URLs.

jq '.[] | select(.visibility=="Public")' all_groups.json | jq -r '.sharepoint'

Filter displayName, sharepoint URL and members

jq '.[] | select(.visibility=="Public")' all_groups.json | jq -r '.displayName, .sharepoint, .members'

URL List