
Swaks is a featureful, flexible, scriptable, transaction-oriented SMTP test tool written and maintained by John Jetmore. It is free to use and licensed under the GNU GPLv2. Features include:

  • SMTP extensions including TLS, authentication, pipelining, PROXY, PRDR, and XCLIENT
  • Protocols including SMTP, ESMTP, and LMTP
  • Transports including UNIX-domain sockets, internet-domain sockets (IPv4 and IPv6), and pipes to spawned processes
  • Completely scriptable configuration, with option specification via environment variables, configuration files, and command line

The official project page is https://jetmore.org/john/code/swaks/.


Download newest release from Github.com.


./swaks [OPTIONS]


Please run ./swaks --help or check the help file below.

  • ref.txt (77 kb)
  • Examples

    $ ./swaks --to john.do@offsec.nl --from karel@example.com –-server
    === Trying
    === Connected to
    <-  220 exch-01.offsec.nl ESMTP
     -> EHLO EXCH-01
    <-  250-exch-01.offsec.nl
    <-  250-SIZE 20480000
    <-  250-AUTH LOGIN
    <-  250 HELP
     -> MAIL FROM:<karel@example.com>
    <-  250 OK
     -> RCPT TO:<john.do@offsec.nl>
    <-  250 OK
     -> DATA
    <-  354 OK, send.
     -> Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2022 12:14:14 +0100
     -> To: john.do@offsec.nl
     -> From: karel@example.com
     -> Subject: test Fri, 8 Apr 2022 12:14:14 +0100
     -> Message-Id: <12355.098765433@ABCDEF>
     -> X-Mailer: swaks v20201014.0 jetmore.org/john/code/swaks/
     -> This is a test mailing
    -> .
    <-  250 Queued (0.000 seconds)
     -> QUIT
    <-  221 goodbye
    === Connection closed with remote host.

    To for example insert own body text, use the --body flag.

    swaks -t john.do@offsec.nl --server --body "This is test body text, you can put whatever you want in here."

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