networkQuality allows for measuring the different aspects of Network Quality, including:
- Maximal capacity (often described as speed)
- The responsiveness of the connection. Responsiveness measures the quality of your network by the number of roundtrips completed per minute (RPM) under working conditions. See
- Other aspects of the connection that affect the quality of experience.
NOTE: This tool will connect to the Internet to perform its tests. This will use data on your Internet service plan.
networkQuality [-C <configuration_url>] [-c] [-h] [-I <interfaceName>] [-s] [-v]
-C: override Configuration URL
-c: Produce computer-readable output
-h: Show help (this message)
-I: Bind test to interface (e.g., en0, pdp_ip0,...)
-s: Run tests sequentially instead of parallel upload/download
-v: Verbose output
$ networkQuality -v
==== SUMMARY ====
Upload capacity: 7.531 Mbps
Download capacity: 230.944 Mbps
Upload flows: 20
Download flows: 12
Responsiveness: Low (42 RPM)
Base RTT: 1075
Start: 13/01/2022, 10:32:07
End: 13/01/2022, 10:32:30
OS Version: Version 12.1 (Build 21C52)