Simple script to get some hash cracking done effectively.
Compatible with both Linux and macOS (ARM/M-series)
git clone https://github.com/crypt0rr/hash-cracker
./hash-cracker [FLAG]
Note: flags are optional, by default hash-cracker will run with optimized kernels enabled and perform loopback actions.
-l / --no-loopback
Disable loopback functionality
-n / --no-limit
Disable the use of optimized kernels (un-limits password length)
Enable hashcat to do hardware monitoring
-m / --module-info
Display information around modules/options
-s [hash-name] / --search [hash-name]
Will search local DB for hash module. E.g. '-s ntlm'
Use the 'hash-cracker.conf' static configuration file.
-d / --disable-cracked
Will stop output cracked hashes directly on screen.
Static Configuration File
By default, hash-cracker will run in ‘ask you all variable’ mode. When specifying --static
the hash-cracker.conf
file is used for some basic settings. You can specify:
- binary path where you’ve installed hashcatHASHTYPE
- mode hashcat will run in (e.g. 1000 (NTLM))HASHLIST
- file containing target hashesPOTFILE
- specify the potfile you want to use / createWORDLIST
- specify the first static word listWORDLIST2
- specify the second static word list
‘Normal’ mode
$ $ ./hash-cracker.sh
hash-cracker v4.1 by crypt0rr (https://github.com/crypt0rr)
Mandatory modules:
[+] Hashcat is executable
[+] Potfile hash-cracker.pot present
Optional Modules:
[+] common-substr-mac is executable
[+] Expander is executable
[-] CeWL is not executable or found (option 18)
Variable Parameters:
[+] Optimised kernels enabled
[+] Loopback enabled
[-] Hardware monitoring disabled
[+] STDOUT cracked hashes enabled
0. Exit
1. Brute force
2. Light rules
3. Heavy rules
4. Enter specific word/name/company
5. Enter specific word/name/company (brute force)
6. Hybrid
7. Toggle-case
8. Combinator
9. Iterate results
10. Prefix suffix (advise: first run steps above)
11. Common substring (advise: first run steps above)
12. PACK rulegen
13. PACK mask
14. Fingerprint attack
15. Directory of word lists plain and then with OneRuleToRuleThemAll
16. Username iteration (only complete NTDS)
17. Markov-chain passwords generator
18. CeWL wordlist generator
19. Digit remover
20. Stacker
21. Custom brute force
Please enter job number or type exit:
Static Configuration
hash-cracker can be used with a static configuration. An example configuration is supplied with hash-cracker.
Default static configuration:
# Hashcat path
# Hashtype
# File containing target hashes
# Potfile you want to use
# Wordlist(s)
$ ./hash-cracker.sh --static
hash-cracker v4.1 by crypt0rr (https://github.com/crypt0rr)
Mandatory modules:
[+] Hashcat is executable
[+] Potfile hash-cracker.pot present
Optional Modules:
[+] common-substr-mac is executable
[+] Expander is executable
[-] CeWL is not executable or found (option 18)
Variable Parameters:
[+] Optimised kernels enabled
[+] Loopback enabled
[-] Hardware monitoring disabled
[+] STDOUT cracked hashes enabled
Static parameters:
[+] Potfile: hash-cracker.pot
[+] Hashlist: input
[+] Hashtype: 1000
[+] Wordlist 1: wordlists/ignis-10M.txt
[+] Wordlist 2: wordlists/ignis-1M.txt
0. Exit
1. Brute force
2. Light rules
3. Heavy rules
4. Enter specific word/name/company
5. Enter specific word/name/company (brute force)
6. Hybrid
7. Toggle-case
8. Combinator
9. Iterate results
10. Prefix suffix (advise: first run steps above)
11. Common substring (advise: first run steps above)
12. PACK rulegen
13. PACK mask
14. Fingerprint attack
15. Directory of word lists plain and then with OneRuleToRuleThemAll
16. Username iteration (only complete NTDS)
17. Markov-chain passwords generator
18. CeWL wordlist generator
19. Digit remover
20. Stacker
21. Custom brute force
Please enter job number or type exit: