Password Analysis and Cracking Kit (PACK).


Python2 based

git clone
pip install pyenchant==3.0.0a1

Python3 based

git clone
python3 -m pip install pyenchant


Generate statistics from found passwords

$ python rockyou.txt 
     StatsGen 0.0.3   | |
      _ __   __ _  ___| | _
     | '_ \ / _` |/ __| |/ /
     | |_) | (_| | (__|   < 
     | .__/ \__,_|\___|_|\_\
     | |                    

[*] Analyzing passwords in [rockyou.txt]
[+] Analyzing 100% (14344390/14344390) of passwords
    NOTE: Statistics below is relative to the number of analyzed passwords, not total number of passwords

[*] Length:
[+]                         8: 20% (2966037)
[+]                         7: 17% (2506271)
[+]                         9: 15% (2191039)
[+]                        10: 14% (2013695)
[+]                         6: 13% (1947798)
[+]                        11: 06% (866035)

Generate rule from found passwords

$ python rockyou.txt
     RuleGen 0.0.4    | |
      _ __   __ _  ___| | _
     | '_ \ / _` |/ __| |/ /
     | |_) | (_| | (__|   < 
     | .__/ \__,_|\___|_|\_\
     | |                    

[*] Using Enchant 'aspell' module. For best results please install
    'aspell' module language dictionaries.
[*] Analyzing passwords file: rockyou.txt:
[*] Press Ctrl-C to end execution and generate statistical analysis.
[*] Saving rules to analysis.rule
[*] Saving words to analysis.word
[*] Processed 5000 passwords in 0.00 seconds at the rate of 1798.60 p/sec
[*] Processed 10000 passwords in 2.78 seconds at the rate of 1773.20 p/sec
[*] Processed 15000 passwords in 5.60 seconds at the rate of 1963.28 p/sec
[*] Processed 20000 passwords in 8.15 seconds at the rate of 1908.91 p/sec
[*] Processed 25000 passwords in 10.77 seconds at the rate of 1831.58 p/sec
[*] Processed 30000 passwords in 13.50 seconds at the rate of 1947.98 p/sec

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