Tool for pentesters to help find security-related misconfigurations in Active Directory Group Policy.
Download newest release from
-u username - Username to use for LDAP operations.
-p password - Password to use for LDAP operations.
-v verbose - Enables debug mode. Probably quite noisy and rarely necessary. Will also show you the names of any categories of policies that Grouper saw but didn't have any means of processing. I eagerly await your pull request.
-i interestlevel - The minimum interest level to display. i.e. findings with an interest level lower than x will not be seen in output. Defaults to 1, i.e. show everything except some extremely dull defaults. If you want to see those too, do -i 0.
-s sysvol - Set the path to a domain SYSVOL directory.
-o offline - Disables checks that require LDAP comms with a DC or SMB comms with file shares found in policy settings. Requires that you define a value for -s.
-t threads - Max number of threads. Defaults to 10.
-h help - Displays this help.
-g pretty - Switches output from the raw Json to a prettier format.
-m nomess - Avoids file writes at all costs. May find less stuff.
-c currentonly - Only checks current policies, ignoring stuff in those Policies_NTFRS_* directories that result from replication failures.
-n nogrepscripts - Don't grep through the files in the "Scripts" subdirectory
-d domain - Domain to query for Group Policy Goodies.
-f html - Path for html output file.
-q quiet - Enables quiet mode. Turns off progress counter.
$ Grouper2.exe -u johndo -p Welkom1234 -f output.html
Running as user:\johndo
All online checks will be performed in the context of this user.
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Now even Grouperer.
Trying to figure out what AD domain we're working with.
Current AD Domain is:
Targeting SYSVOL at: \\\sysvol\\
I found all these directories in SYSVOL...
... and I'm going to find all the goodies I can in all of them.
230 GPOs to process.
Starting processing GPOs with 10 threads.
229/229 GPOs processed. 100% complete.
Processing SYSVOL script dirs.
Errors in processing GPOs:
Grouper2 took 0:1:1:418 to run.