
AutoRecon is a multi-threaded network reconnaissance tool which performs automated enumeration of services. It is intended as a time-saving tool for use in CTFs and other penetration testing environments (e.g. OSCP). It may also be useful in real-world engagements.

The tool works by firstly performing port scans / service detection scans. From those initial results, the tool will launch further enumeration scans of those services using a number of different tools. For example, if HTTP is found, feroxbuster will be launched (as well as many others).

Everything in the tool is highly configurable. The default configuration performs no automated exploitation to keep the tool in line with OSCP exam rules. If you wish to add automatic exploit tools to the configuration, you do so at your own risk. The author will not be held responsible for negative actions that result from the mis-use of this tool.

Disclaimer: While AutoRecon endeavors to perform as much identification and enumeration of services as possible, there is no guarantee that every service will be identified, or that every service will be fully enumerated. Users of AutoRecon (especially students) should perform their own manual enumeration alongside AutoRecon. Do not rely on this tool alone for exams, CTFs, or other engagements.


  • Supports multiple targets in the form of IP addresses, IP ranges (CIDR notation), and resolvable hostnames. IPv6 is also supported.
  • Can scan multiple targets concurrently, utilizing multiple processors if they are available.
  • Advanced plugin system allowing for easy creation of new scans.
  • Customizable port scanning plugins for flexibility in your initial scans.
  • Customizable service scanning plugins for further enumeration.
  • Suggested manual follow-up commands for when automation makes little sense.
  • Ability to limit port scanning to a combination of TCP/UDP ports.
  • Ability to skip port scanning phase by supplying information about services which should be open.
  • Global and per-scan pattern matching which highlights and extracts important information from the noise.
  • An intuitive directory structure for results gathering.
  • Full logging of commands that were run, along with errors if they fail.
  • A powerful config file lets you use your favorite settings every time.
  • A tagging system that lets you include or exclude certain plugins.
  • Global and per-target timeouts in case you only have limited time.
  • Four levels of verbosity, controllable by command-line options, and during scans using Up/Down arrows.
  • Colorized output for distinguishing separate pieces of information. Can be turned off for accessibility reasons.


It is advised to run this tool on Kali Linux.


sudo apt install seclists curl dnsrecon enum4linux feroxbuster gobuster impacket-scripts nbtscan nikto nmap onesixtyone oscanner redis-tools smbclient smbmap snmp sslscan sipvicious tnscmd10g whatweb wkhtmltopdf


pipx install git+


python3 -m pip install git+


autorecon [-t TARGET_FILE] [-p PORTS] [-m MAX_SCANS] [-mp MAX_PORT_SCANS] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [-g GLOBAL_FILE] [--tags TAGS]
                 [--exclude-tags TAGS] [--port-scans PLUGINS] [--service-scans PLUGINS] [--reports PLUGINS] [--plugins-dir PLUGINS_DIR]
                 [--add-plugins-dir PLUGINS_DIR] [-l [TYPE]] [-o OUTPUT] [--single-target] [--only-scans-dir] [--no-port-dirs]
                 [--heartbeat HEARTBEAT] [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--target-timeout TARGET_TIMEOUT] [--nmap NMAP | --nmap-append NMAP_APPEND]
                 [--proxychains] [--disable-sanity-checks] [--disable-keyboard-control] [--force-services SERVICE [SERVICE ...]] [--accessible]
                 [-v] [--version] [--curl.path VALUE] [--dirbuster.tool {feroxbuster,gobuster,dirsearch,ffuf,dirb}]
                 [--dirbuster.wordlist VALUE [VALUE ...]] [--dirbuster.threads VALUE] [--dirbuster.ext VALUE]
                 [ VALUE] [--global.username-wordlist VALUE] [--global.password-wordlist VALUE]
                 [--global.domain VALUE] [-h]
                 [targets ...]


positional arguments:
  targets               IP addresses (e.g., CIDR notation (e.g., or resolvable hostnames (e.g. to scan.

optional arguments:
  -t TARGET_FILE, --target-file TARGET_FILE
                        Read targets from file.
  -p PORTS, --ports PORTS
                        Comma separated list of ports / port ranges to scan. Specify TCP/UDP ports by prepending list with T:/U: To scan both
                        TCP/UDP, put port(s) at start or specify B: e.g. 53,T:21-25,80,U:123,B:123. Default: None
  -m MAX_SCANS, --max-scans MAX_SCANS
                        The maximum number of concurrent scans to run. Default: 50
  -mp MAX_PORT_SCANS, --max-port-scans MAX_PORT_SCANS
                        The maximum number of concurrent port scans to run. Default: 10 (approx 20% of max-scans unless specified)
                        Location of AutoRecon's config file. Default: ~/.config/AutoRecon/config.toml
  -g GLOBAL_FILE, --global-file GLOBAL_FILE
                        Location of AutoRecon's global file. Default: ~/.config/AutoRecon/global.toml
  --tags TAGS           Tags to determine which plugins should be included. Separate tags by a plus symbol (+) to group tags together. Separate
                        groups with a comma (,) to create multiple groups. For a plugin to be included, it must have all the tags specified in
                        at least one group. Default: default
  --exclude-tags TAGS   Tags to determine which plugins should be excluded. Separate tags by a plus symbol (+) to group tags together. Separate
                        groups with a comma (,) to create multiple groups. For a plugin to be excluded, it must have all the tags specified in
                        at least one group. Default: None
  --port-scans PLUGINS  Override --tags / --exclude-tags for the listed PortScan plugins (comma separated). Default: None
  --service-scans PLUGINS
                        Override --tags / --exclude-tags for the listed ServiceScan plugins (comma separated). Default: None
  --reports PLUGINS     Override --tags / --exclude-tags for the listed Report plugins (comma separated). Default: None
  --plugins-dir PLUGINS_DIR
                        The location of the plugins directory. Default: ~/.config/AutoRecon/plugins
  --add-plugins-dir PLUGINS_DIR
                        The location of an additional plugins directory to add to the main one. Default: None
  -l [TYPE], --list [TYPE]
                        List all plugins or plugins of a specific type. e.g. --list, --list port, --list service
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        The output directory for results. Default: results
  --single-target       Only scan a single target. A directory named after the target will not be created. Instead, the directory structure will
                        be created within the output directory. Default: False
  --only-scans-dir      Only create the "scans" directory for results. Other directories (e.g. exploit, loot, report) will not be created.
                        Default: False
  --no-port-dirs        Don't create directories for ports (e.g. scans/tcp80, scans/udp53). Instead store all results in the "scans" directory
                        itself. Default: False
  --heartbeat HEARTBEAT
                        Specifies the heartbeat interval (in seconds) for scan status messages. Default: 60
  --timeout TIMEOUT     Specifies the maximum amount of time in minutes that AutoRecon should run for. Default: None
  --target-timeout TARGET_TIMEOUT
                        Specifies the maximum amount of time in minutes that a target should be scanned for before abandoning it and moving on.
                        Default: None
  --nmap NMAP           Override the {nmap_extra} variable in scans. Default: -vv --reason -Pn -T4
  --nmap-append NMAP_APPEND
                        Append to the default {nmap_extra} variable in scans. Default:
  --proxychains         Use if you are running AutoRecon via proxychains. Default: False
                        Disable sanity checks that would otherwise prevent the scans from running. Default: False
                        Disables keyboard control ([s]tatus, Up, Down) if you are in SSH or Docker.
  --force-services SERVICE [SERVICE ...]
                        A space separated list of services in the following style: tcp/80/http tcp/443/https/secure
  --accessible          Attempts to make AutoRecon output more accessible to screenreaders. Default: False
  -v, --verbose         Enable verbose output. Repeat for more verbosity.
  --version             Prints the AutoRecon version and exits.
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.

plugin arguments:
  These are optional arguments for certain plugins.

  --curl.path VALUE     The path on the web server to curl. Default: /
  --dirbuster.tool {feroxbuster,gobuster,dirsearch,ffuf,dirb}
                        The tool to use for directory busting. Default: feroxbuster
  --dirbuster.wordlist VALUE [VALUE ...]
                        The wordlist(s) to use when directory busting. Separate multiple wordlists with spaces. Default:
  --dirbuster.threads VALUE
                        The number of threads to use when directory busting. Default: 10
  --dirbuster.ext VALUE
                        The extensions you wish to fuzz (no dot, comma separated). Default: txt,html,php,asp,aspx,jsp VALUE
                        The file containing a list of community strings to try. Default: /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/SNMP/common-snmp-

global plugin arguments:
  These are optional arguments that can be used by all plugins.

  --global.username-wordlist VALUE
                        A wordlist of usernames, useful for bruteforcing. Default: /usr/share/seclists/Usernames/top-usernames-shortlist.txt
  --global.password-wordlist VALUE
                        A wordlist of passwords, useful for bruteforcing. Default: /usr/share/seclists/Passwords/darkweb2017-top100.txt
  --global.domain VALUE
                        The domain to use (if known). Used for DNS and/or Active Directory. Default: None


$ autorecon 
[*] Scanning target
[!] [] UDP scan requires AutoRecon be run with root privileges.
[*] [] Discovered open port tcp/139 on
[*] [] Discovered open port tcp/135 on
[*] [] Discovered open port tcp/1025 on
[*] [] Discovered open port tcp/445 on
[*] 13:10:15 - There are 7 scans still running against
[*] 13:11:15 - There are 2 scans still running against
[*] 13:12:15 - There are 2 scans still running against
[*] Finished scanning target in 3 minutes, 51 seconds
[*] Finished scanning all targets in 3 minutes, 52 seconds!
[*] Don't forget to check out more commands to run manually in the _manual_commands.txt file in each target's scans directory!
[!] AutoRecon identified the following services, but could not match them to any plugins based on the service name. Please report these to Tib3rius: tcp/1025/NFS-or-IIS/insecure

URL list