

  • cd: Change the current working directory. Syntax: cd <directory>
  • close: Closes the SMB connection to the remote machine. Syntax: close
  • connect: Connect to the remote machine (useful if connection timed out). Syntax: connect
  • dir: List the contents of the current working directory. Syntax: dir
  • exit: Exits the smbclient-ng script. Syntax: exit
  • get: Get a remote file. Syntax: get [-r] <directory or file>
  • help: Displays this help message. Syntax: help
  • info: Get information about the server and or the share. Syntax: info [server|share]
  • lcd: Changes the current local directory. Syntax: lcd <directory>
  • lls: Lists the contents of the current local directory. Syntax: lls
  • lmkdir: Creates a new local directory. Syntax: lmkdir <directory>
  • lpwd: Shows the current local directory. Syntax: lpwd
  • lrm: Removes a local file. Syntax: lrm <file>
  • lrmdir: Removes a local directory. Syntax: lrmdir <directory>
  • ls: List the contents of the current remote working directory. Syntax: ls
  • ltree: Displays a tree view of the local directories. Syntax: ltree [directory]
  • mkdir: Creates a new remote directory. Syntax: mkdir <directory>
  • module: Loads a specific module for additional functionalities. Syntax: module <name>
  • put: Put a local file or directory in a remote directory. Syntax: put [-r] <directory or file>
  • reconnect: Reconnect to the remote machine (useful if connection timed out). Syntax: reconnect
  • reset: Reset the TTY output, useful if it was broken after printing a binary file on stdout. Syntax: reset
  • rmdir: Removes a remote directory. Syntax: rmdir <directory>
  • rm: Removes a remote file. Syntax: rm <file>
  • shares: Lists the SMB shares served by the remote machine. Syntax: shares
  • use: Use a SMB share. Syntax: use <sharename>


python3 -m pip install smbclientng


smbclient-ng [-h] [--debug] [--no-colors] --target ip address [--kdcHost FQDN KDC] [-d DOMAIN] [-u USER] [--no-pass | -p PASSWORD | -H [LMHASH:]NTHASH | --aes-key hex key] [-k]


  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --debug               Debug mode.
  --no-colors           No colors mode.
  --target ip address   IP Address of the SMB Server to connect to.

Authentication & connection:
  --kdcHost FQDN KDC    FQDN of KDC for Kerberos.
  -d DOMAIN, --domain DOMAIN
                        (FQDN) domain to authenticate to
  -u USER, --user USER  user to authenticate with

  --no-pass             Don't ask for password (useful for -k)
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        password to authenticate with
                        NT/LM hashes, format is LMhash:NThash
  --aes-key hex key     AES key to use for Kerberos Authentication (128 or 256 bits)
  -k, --kerberos        Use Kerberos authentication. Grabs credentials from .ccache file (KRB5CCNAME) based on target parameters. If valid credentials cannot be found, it will use the ones specified in the command line


$ smbclient-ng -u "Administrator" -d -p 'Welkom1234' --target "" 
               _          _ _            _                    
 ___ _ __ ___ | |__   ___| (_) ___ _ __ | |_      _ __   __ _ 
/ __| '_ ` _ \| '_ \ / __| | |/ _ \ '_ \| __|____| '_ \ / _` |
\__ \ | | | | | |_) | (__| | |  __/ | | | ||_____| | | | (_| |
|___/_| |_| |_|_.__/ \___|_|_|\___|_| |_|\__|    |_| |_|\__, |
    by @podalirius_                               v1.2  |___/  
[+] Successfully authenticated to '' as '\Administrator'!
โบ[\\\]> shares
โ”ƒ Share    โ”ƒ Hidden โ”ƒ Type              โ”ƒ Description         โ”ƒ
โ”‚ admin$   โ”‚ True   โ”‚ DISKTREE, SPECIAL โ”‚ Remote Admin        โ”‚
โ”‚ c$       โ”‚ True   โ”‚ DISKTREE, SPECIAL โ”‚ Default share       โ”‚
โ”‚ ipc$     โ”‚ True   โ”‚ IPC, SPECIAL      โ”‚ Remote IPC          โ”‚
โ”‚ netlogon โ”‚ False  โ”‚ DISKTREE          โ”‚ Logon server share  โ”‚
โ”‚ sysvol   โ”‚ False  โ”‚ DISKTREE          โ”‚ Logon server share  โ”‚
โบ[\\\]> use c$
โบ[\\\c$\]> dir
d--h--s-     0.00 B  2021-05-08 10:20  $Recycle.Bin\
d--h----     0.00 B  2024-05-15 12:48  $WinREAgent\
d--h--s-     0.00 B  2024-03-16 18:39  Documents and Settings\
-a-h--s-   12.00 kB  2024-06-03 10:11  DumpStack.log.tmp
-a------   16.00 MB  2024-03-25 11:44  ntds.dit
-a-h--s-    1.12 GB  2024-06-03 10:11  pagefile.sys
d-------     0.00 B  2021-05-08 10:20  PerfLogs\
d----r--     0.00 B  2024-03-16 20:15  Program Files\
d-------     0.00 B  2021-05-08 11:39  Program Files (x86)\
d--h----     0.00 B  2024-04-01 16:57  ProgramData\
d--h--s-     0.00 B  2024-03-16 18:39  Recovery\
-a------   15.58 MB  2024-03-25 11:56  SYSTEM
d--h--s-     0.00 B  2024-03-25 11:37  System Volume Information\
d----r--     0.00 B  2024-03-16 18:40  Users\
d-------     0.00 B  2024-05-15 12:49  Windows\

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