Quickly dedupe massive wordlists, without changing the order.
git clone https://github.com/nil0x42/duplicut.git
cd duplicut/ && make
duplicut [OPTION]... [INFILE] -o [OUTFILE]
-o, --outfile <FILE> Write result to <FILE>
-t, --threads <NUM> Max threads to use (default max)
-m, --memlimit <VALUE> Limit max used memory (default max)
-l, --line-max-size <NUM> Max line size (default 64)
-p, --printable Filter ascii printable lines
-c, --lowercase Convert wordlist to lowercase
-C, --uppercase Convert wordlist to uppercase
-h, --help Display this help and exit
-v, --version Output version information and exit
Example: duplicut wordlist.txt -o new-wordlist.txt
$ ./duplicut wordlist.txt -o clean-wordlist.txt -l 255
$ wc -l wordlist.txt clean-wordlist.txt
33591536 wordlist.txt
7487676 clean-wordlist.txt