
Change MAC address of a NIC.


sudo apt install macchanger

For macOS installation via brew.

brew install acrogenesis/macchanger/macchanger


macchanger [options] device

Flags Unix

GNU MAC Changer
  -h,  --help                   Print this help
  -V,  --version                Print version and exit
  -s,  --show                   Print the MAC address and exit
  -e,  --ending                 Don't change the vendor bytes
  -a,  --another                Set random vendor MAC of the same kind
  -A                            Set random vendor MAC of any kind
  -p,  --permanent              Reset to original, permanent hardware MAC
  -r,  --random                 Set fully random MAC
  -l,  --list[=keyword]         Print known vendors
  -b,  --bia                    Pretend to be a burned-in-address
  -m,  --mac=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
       --mac XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX  Set the MAC XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX

Report bugs to

Flags macOS

    -m, --mac MAC                    Set the MAC address, macchanger -m XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX en0
    -r, --random                     Set random MAC address, macchanger -r en0
    -s, --show                       Show the MAC address, macchanger -s en0


Remember to save your MAC-adres.

$ sudo macchanger -m <new-MAC> <interface>

Current MAC:   ab:cd:ef:gh:ij (unknown)
Permanent MAC: ab:cd:ef:gh:ij (unknown)
New MAC:       12:34:56:78:90 (unknown)

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