Is a Linux utility for flashing multiple USB devices in parallel, written in Rust.
Popsicle can be used both CLI and/or GTK.
A makefile is included for simply building and installing all required files into the system. You may either build both the CLI and GTK workspace, just the CLI workspace, or just the GTK workspace.
git clone https://github.com/pop-os/popsicle.git
make cli && sudo make install-cli
will build and install just the CLI workspacemake gtk && sudo make install-gtk
will build and install just the GTK workspacemake && sudo make install
will build and install both the CLI and GTK workspaces
popsicle [FLAGS] <IMAGE> [DISKS]...
popsicle_cli 1.3.0
USB Flasher
-a, --all Flash all detected USB drives
-c, --check Check if written image matches source image
-h, --help Prints help information
-u, --unmount Unmount mounted devices
-V, --version Prints version information
-y, --yes Continue without confirmation
<IMAGE> Input image file
<DISKS>... Output disk devices
Also supports active device monitoring when a drive is getting plugged-in or unplugged.