Show mount information for an NFS server.
sudo apt install nfs-common
Usage: showmount [-adehv]
[--all] [--directories] [--exports]
[--no-headers] [--help] [--version] [host]
-a or --all
List both the client hostname or IP address and mounted directory in host:dir format. This info should not be considered reliable. See the notes on rmtab in rpc.mountd(8).
-d or --directories
List only the directories mounted by some client.
-e or --exports
Show the NFS servers export list.
-h or --help
Provide a short help summary.
-v or --version
Report the current version number of the program.
Suppress the descriptive headings from the output.
showmount -e <target>
Export list for <target>:
sudo mount -t nfs <ip>:/share temp